2023年1月3日 投稿者 koiocha In 旅・食べ物 京都・嵐山・渡月橋・祇王寺(Kyoto,Arashiyama,Togetsukyo-Bridge,Giouji-temple) 2021/6/20 京都の嵐山エリアにある「渡月橋」・「祇王寺」に行ってきました。「渡月橋」は古来より有名な橋です。836年にかけられたのが初めのようです。 “Arashiyama area”(嵐山) is a place rich in nature even in Kyoto. There is mountain and river. You can feel change of four seasons. So, Arashiyama area used to be a villa for aristocrats. And “Togetsukyo-Bridge” has been famous bridge in Japan. It was first built in 836. “Togetsukyo” means “The moon looks like crossing the bridge if you see under the bridge.” ) 渡月橋 Togetsukyo-Bridge ボートを漕ぐカップル Many couples are rowing a boat (peacefully) We were also getting on a boat. (The river flowed faster than I had thought.) 「竹林の小径」 ”Path of bamboo” This is also famous spot in Arashiyama. 「竹林の小径」はインスタ映えしますが、人が多い、、、 “Path of bamboo” is very photogenic and you can feel Japanese quiet atmosphere. But, these days it is often very crowded with tourists… そのあと、「祇王寺」まで歩いて行きました。かなり歩きました。 After walking through the “Path of bamboo”, we also walked to “Giouji-temple”(祇王寺). (You have to walk a lot. My girl friend was angry with me…) “Giouji-temple” is famous for its beautiful moss. (Also “Saihouji-temple”「西芳寺」and “Sanzenin”「三千院」are famous for beautiful moss.) It is small but clean. You can feel relaxed. 祇王寺の苔 Moss in Giouji-temole 「手水」(Chouzu) means “water to wash hands” そのあと、タクシーに乗り、三条周辺に戻りました。夕食は鴨川沿いの川床のレストランで予約していました。 Then we took a taxi and go to “Sanjo Area”(三条) ,which is central Kyoto. 鴨川沿いの川床 下からは川の冷気が上がってきてとても涼しい 食後は良い夕焼け時でした